In 2024, we switched our volunteering from Bahia Honda State Park to Paynes Prarie Preserve State Park. Why, you may ask? Well, the volunteer program changed drastically in the Keys, so much so that we did not want to return. Our next choice was spending three months close to our daughter Nicole and her fiance, Brandon, who live in Gainesville. Luckily, the Park Special Services Coordinator at Paynes Prarie told us there were opportunities to volunteer under their Camping with the Cows program.

From May to August we lived on a ranch just outside of the main park on Hickory Ranch. We volunteered at the State Park, where we enjoyed getting to know the tasks assigned, the rangers, and life on The Prarie.

The best part of staying in any one area is the chance to get to know it. Plus, spending quality time with our daughter, future son-in-law, and future in-laws was great!

We also got to bond more with the kid’s dogs, Molly and Kendall. Too cute! Molly got to come to the Ranch where she met cows and horses for the first time.

Gainesville is home to the University of Florida, where both our daughters and Brandon graduated. Did you know the University has a Bat House? It is one of the largest collections of Brazilian bats in the world. One night, we got there just in time to watch the bats leave the house and fly all around us. It was quite an experience. Click on the image to watch the video.